Help I link Metamask to balancer to swap ETHE for HDX but does not show back in MetaMask


Hello harbour, I don’t know when you wrote this, but I had the same issue today with (for me) a large amount of DAI swapped for HDX. It told me that the trade was successful, and my Dai disappeared from my wallet, but I never received a blockchain confirmation of the transaction (so I have no proof), and I never received the HDX coins! Not to mention that it cost me almost $300 in the various fees to buy and transfer around the DAI to make this exchange. I don’t know how to contact anyone at Balancer and I don’t know what to do. Did you ever get this resolved? Thanks 2/10/21

I was able to click from my wallet to Etherscan, find the transaction then drill down on it to find the address. Once I had the address I was able to add the HDX to MetaMask using the custom token instructions in the following link, good Luck.

Let me explain, it should be xhdx. You enter the contract address in the search and add the currency you successfully purchased.

Hey, have you figured this out yet? I can help. It’s just that Metamask doesn’t display xHDX automatically and you need to manually add the token. It has confused a lot of people.

THANK YOU ALL! Thanks to your instructions, I was able to create a custom token on my Trust wallet and now my purchase is showing! You have all made my day! Thank you so very much! I could barely sleep last night thinking that I had lost all of that money! May you all have a fabulous day!

Yes, I finally figured it out, thank you for your reply.

Thanks!!! I made a swap for xHDX this morning and didn’t even realize that it didn’t show in my Metmask wallet until I came across this post. After seeing this I checked and NO xHDX was showing, I followed the steps for adding a custom token with the address for xHDX… 0x6fcb6408499a7c0f242e32d77eb51ffa1dd28a7e and SUCCESS! Thanks again

i have the same problem … bought xhdx a few days …now i cant unlock through the exchange … cant sell or trade …need help …fast

i been trying to do it for the last day or so …its very frustating …!!!

The HydraDX team has frozen transfers of the xHDX token. They warned users in advance of the sale that this would be the case: after the close of the sale, the token is non-transferable (and by extension, non-tradable). At a later date, there will be a migration of these frozen tokens to functional tokens on the Polkadot chain. See both these resources for more information: