BAL Whitelist - Round 22

On behalf of the Balancer community, I’d like to propose the following modifications to the token whitelist used for BAL governance distribution. As a reminder, these whitelist proposals are now pre-approved on objective technical criteria only, so they are not subject to community vote. All new tokens will be placed at cap1 for liquidity mining, meaning each token’s measured BAL-eligible liquidity is scaled to a maximum of $1M (at time of writing). At any time, community members may propose to increase a token’s cap to the next tier. For reference, please see the previous proposals which detail the motivation for creation of the whitelist and define the list of tokens used to date. Links are included at the end of this post.

Proposed Modifications

The following token has been migrated from a previously whitelisted token. I would like to propose modifying the existing entry for this token so that it points to the new contract address. The cap will remain unchanged, and the old contract will no longer be eligible for liquidity mining.

    MIGRATE	SAFE2 -> COVER	0x250a3500f48666561386832f1F1f1019b89a2699 -> 0x5D8d9F5b96f4438195BE9b99eee6118Ed4304286

I would also like to propose adding the following new tokens to the whitelist:

    ADD		2KEY	0xE48972fCd82a274411c01834e2f031D4377Fa2c0
    ADD		APY		0x95a4492F028aa1fd432Ea71146b433E7B4446611
    ADD		AXS		0xF5D669627376EBd411E34b98F19C868c8ABA5ADA
    ADD		FLC		0x32C4ADB9cF57f972bc375129de91C897b4F364F1
    ADD		INJ		0xe28b3B32B6c345A34Ff64674606124Dd5Aceca30
    ADD		KEY		0x4CC19356f2D37338b9802aa8E8fc58B0373296E7
    ADD		MAD		0x5B09A0371C1DA44A8E24D36Bf5DEb1141a84d875
    ADD		NSURE	0x20945cA1df56D237fD40036d47E866C7DcCD2114
    ADD		ORN		0x8fB00FDeBb4E83f2C58b3bcD6732AC1B6A7b7221
    ADD		PRIME	0xE59064a8185Ed1Fca1D17999621eFedfab4425c9
    ADD		QSP		0x99ea4dB9EE77ACD40B119BD1dC4E33e1C070b80d
    ADD		VEE		0x340D2bdE5Eb28c1eed91B2f790723E3B160613B7
    ADD		WaBi	0x286BDA1413a2Df81731D4930ce2F862a35A609fE
    ADD		zHEGIC	0x837010619aeb2ae24141605afc8f66577f6fb2e7
    ADD		zLOT	0xA8e7AD77C60eE6f30BaC54E2E7c0617Bd7B5A03E

The proposed changes will go into effect at 00:00 UTC on Monday, November 23. Pools containing whitelisted tokens will begin to accrue BAL rewards beginning at 00:00 UTC on Monday; but they may not appear on the Balancer pools UI with symbol/logo until a bit later in the week, most likely Tuesday or Wednesday. Please be patient. Furthermore, whitelisted tokens will not be added to the Balancer exchange UI; the core team adds tokens to the official exchange UI at their own discretion and considers a variety of factors. Tokens can always be traded using contract addresses in place of symbols, and anyone is free to fork the open source exchange UI to add more symbols.

Resulting Soft/Hard Pegs

The following price pegs will be added to the BAL mining scripts in response to the whitelist changes. At time of writing, soft pegs receive a wrapFactor of 0.2 and hard pegs receive a wrapFactor of 0.1.



Some requested tokens were omitted this week.

The following tokens lack price feeds through the CoinGecko API, which violates Whitelist Criterion #7: The token must have a price feed accessible via CoinGecko’s API. This is instrumental to calculating a pool’s eligibility for BAL rewards.

    NO PRICE FEED	ADX-LOYALTY	0xd9A4cB9dc9296e111c66dFACAb8Be034EE2E1c2C
    NO PRICE FEED	DEGENS		0xDd039990Bd551Ce7437d3bF54d155220B7988B71
    NO PRICE FEED	WZEC		0x4A64515E5E1d1073e83f30cB97BEd20400b66E10

Reference: Prior Proposals

Great to see zLOT made it on there as well as zHegic.

It seems I accidentally listed an old contract address for $ORN. I did review the proper contract, but pasted from an old list into this post. The contract address for the $ORN whitelisting will be 0x0258f474786ddfd37abce6df6bbb1dd5dfc4434a, and not 0x8fB00FDeBb4E83f2C58b3bcD6732AC1B6A7b7221. I apologize for the confusion.